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A fixed point for which the stability matrix has equal nonzero eigenvectors.
The ABC (atom-bond connectivity) energy of a graph is defined as the graph energy of its ABC matrix, i.e., the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its ABC matrix.
A necessary and sufficient condition for all the eigenvalues of a real n×n matrix A to have negative real parts is that the equation A^(T)V+VA=-I has as a solution where V is ...
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has equal negative eigenvalues.
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has equal positive eigenvalues.
A method of computing the determinant of a square matrix due to Charles Dodgson (1866) (who is more famous under his pseudonym Lewis Carroll). The method is useful for hand ...
A method for finding a matrix inverse. To apply Gauss-Jordan elimination, operate on a matrix [A I]=[a_(11) ... a_(1n) 1 0 ... 0; a_(21) ... a_(2n) 0 1 ... 0; | ... | | | ... ...
An invertible linear transformation T:V->W is a map between vector spaces V and W with an inverse map which is also a linear transformation. When T is given by matrix ...
Any square matrix T has a canonical form without any need to extend the field of its coefficients. For instance, if the entries of T are rational numbers, then so are the ...
A diagonal of a square matrix which is traversed in the "southeast" direction. "The" diagonal (or "main diagonal," or "principal diagonal," or "leading diagonal") of an n×n ...
