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R(p,tau) = int_(-infty)^inftyint_(-infty)^infty[1/(sigmasqrt(2pi))e^(-(x^2+y^2)/(2sigma^2))]delta[y-(tau+px)]dydx (1) = ...
The amazing identity for all theta, where Gamma(z) is the gamma function. Equating coefficients of theta^0, theta^4, and theta^8 gives some amazing identities for the ...
A sum which includes both the Jacobi triple product and the q-binomial theorem as special cases. Ramanujan's sum is ...
sum_(n=0)^(infty)(-1)^n[((2n-1)!!)/((2n)!!)]^3 = 1-(1/2)^3+((1·3)/(2·4))^3+... (1) = _3F_2(1/2,1/2,1/2; 1,1;-1) (2) = [_2F_1(1/4,1/4; 1;-1)]^2 (3) = ...
int_(-infty)^infty(J_(mu+xi)(x))/(x^(mu+xi))(J_(nu-xi)(y))/(y^(nu-xi))e^(itxi)dxi =[(2cos(1/2t))/(x^2e^(-it/2)+y^2e^(it/2))]^((mu+nu)/2) ...
For a point y in Y, with f(y)=x, the ramification index of f at y is a positive integer e_y such that there is some open neighborhood U of y so that x has only one preimage ...
A type of cusp as illustrated above for the curve x^4+x^2y^2-2x^2y-xy^2+y^2=0.
The fractal-like figure obtained by performing the same iteration as for the Mandelbrot set, but adding a random component R, z_(n+1)=z_n^2+c+R. In the above plot, ...
A Young tableau chosen at random from those having a given shape. A random tableau can be generated by RandomTableau[shape] in the Wolfram Language package Combinatorica` . ...
Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T:V->W be a linear transformation. Assuming the dimension of V is finite, then dim(V)=dim(Ker(T))+dim(Im(T)), where ...
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