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The pseudo-tangent cone P_S(x) of a subset S subset R^n at a point x in S is the set P_S(x)=convK_S^_, where K_S is the contingent cone of S and where conv(A) is the smallest ...
A pseudoanalytic function is a function defined using generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations. Pseudoanalytic functions come as close as possible to having complex derivatives ...
A function f defined on a subset S subset R^n is said to be pseudoconcave if -f is pseudoconvex.
A map projection in which the parallels are represented by concentric circular arcs and the meridians by concurrent curves.
A surface constructed by placing a family of figure-eight curves into R^3 such that the first and last curves reduce to points. The surface has parametric equations x(u,v) = ...
A projection in which latitude lines are parallel but meridians are curves.
An algebraic structure whose elements consist of selected homeomorphisms between open subsets of a space, with the composition of two transformations defined on the largest ...
A distance g on a set that fulfils the same properties as a metric except relaxes the definition to allow the distance between two different points to be zero. An example of ...
A topology on a set X whose open sets are the unions of open balls B(X_0,r)={x in x|g(x_0,x)<r}, where g is a pseudometric on X, x_0 is any point of X, and r>0. There is a ...
Curry (1977, p. 5) uses the term pseudoparadox to describe an apparent paradox, such as the catalogue paradox, for which there is no underlying actual contradiction.
