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Consider the circle map. If K is nonzero, then the motion is periodic in some finite region surrounding each rational Omega. This execution of periodic motion in response to ...
A power is an exponent to which a given quantity is raised. The expression x^a is therefore known as "x to the ath power." A number of powers of x are plotted above (cf. ...
To color any map on the sphere or the plane requires at most six-colors. This number can easily be reduced to five, and the four-color theorem demonstrates that the necessary ...
Let G be a graph and S a subgraph of G. Let the number of odd components in G-S be denoted S^', and |S| the number of graph vertices of S. The condition |S|>=S^' for every ...
A theorem that can be stated either in the language of abstract algebraic curves or transcendental extensions. For an abstract algebraic curve, if x and y are nonconstant ...
The base 2 method of counting in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used. In this base, the number 1011 equals 1·2^0+1·2^1+0·2^2+1·2^3=11. This base is used in computers, ...
The (complete) gamma function Gamma(n) is defined to be an extension of the factorial to complex and real number arguments. It is related to the factorial by Gamma(n)=(n-1)!, ...
Consider the process of taking a number, taking its digit sum, then adding the digits of numbers derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. The ...
1 1 2 2 3 5 5 7 10 15 15 20 27 37 52 The Bell triangle, also called Aitken's array or the Peirce triangle (Knuth 2005, p. 28), is the number triangle obtained by beginning ...
The number of representations of n by k squares, allowing zeros and distinguishing signs and order, is denoted r_k(n). The special case k=2 corresponding to two squares is ...
