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If a real algebraic curve has no singularities except nodes and cusps, bitangents, and inflection points, then n+2tau_2^'+iota^'=m+2delta_2^'+kappa^', where n is the order, ...
Any prime number other than 2 (which is the unique even prime). Humorously, 2 is therefore the "oddest" prime.
The number of digits used to perform a given computation. The concepts of accuracy and precision are both closely related and often confused. While the accuracy of a number x ...
F_mF_(n+1)-F_nF_(m+1)=(-1)^nF_(m-n), where F_n is a Fibonacci number.
An amicable pair (m,n) consists of two integers m,n for which the sum of proper divisors (the divisors excluding the number itself) of one number equals the other. Amicable ...
Consider the process of taking a number, adding its digits, then adding the digits of the number derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. The ...
In general, an icosidodecahedron is a 32-faced polyhedron. A number of such solids are illustrated above. "The" (quasiregular) icosidodecahedron is the 32-faced Archimedean ...
z^p-y^p=(z-y)(z-zetay)...(z-zeta^(p-1)y), where zeta=e^(2pii/p) (a de Moivre number) and p is a prime.
alpha is called a predecessor if there is no ordinal number beta such that beta+1=alpha.
omega^epsilon=epsilon, where omega is an ordinal number and epsilon is an inaccessible cardinal.
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