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The orthogonal decomposition of a vector y in R^n is the sum of a vector in a subspace W of R^n and a vector in the orthogonal complement W^_|_ to W. The orthogonal ...
Two functions f(x) and g(x) are orthogonal over the interval a<=x<=b with weighting function w(x) if <f(x)|g(x)>=int_a^bf(x)g(x)w(x)dx=0. (1) If, in addition, ...
For every dimension n>0, the orthogonal group O(n) is the group of n×n orthogonal matrices. These matrices form a group because they are closed under multiplication and ...
Two representations of a group chi_i and chi_j are said to be orthogonal if sum_(R)chi_i(R)chi_j(R)=0 for i!=j, where the sum is over all elements R of the representation.
Orthogonal involution, also called absolute involution, is the involution on the line at infinity that maps orthogonal directions to each other.
Two or more lines or line segments which are perpendicular are said to be orthogonal.
A n×n matrix A is an orthogonal matrix if AA^(T)=I, (1) where A^(T) is the transpose of A and I is the identity matrix. In particular, an orthogonal matrix is always ...
Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomials {p_n(x)} defined over a range [a,b] that obey an orthogonality relation int_a^bw(x)p_m(x)p_n(x)dx=delta_(mn)c_n, (1) where ...
A projection of a figure by parallel rays. In such a projection, tangencies are preserved. Parallel lines project to parallel lines. The ratio of lengths of parallel segments ...
A subset {v_1,...,v_k} of a vector space V, with the inner product <,>, is called orthogonal if <v_i,v_j>=0 when i!=j. That is, the vectors are mutually perpendicular. Note ...
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