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A vector space V with a ring structure and a vector norm such that for all v,W in V, ||vw||<=||v||||w||. If V has a multiplicative identity 1, it is also required that ...
A vector space possessing a norm.
Perhaps the most commonly-studied oriented point lattice is the so-called north-east lattice which orients each edge of L in the direction of increasing coordinate-value. ...
The north pole is the point on a sphere with maximum z-coordinate for a given coordinate system. For a rotating sphere like the Earth, the natural coordinate system is ...
The Norton-Smith graph is a weakly regular graph on 1134 vertices with regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(1134,117,36,(0,12)). It is distance-regular as well as ...
A constant appearing in formulas for the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm, B = (12ln2)/(pi^2)[-1/2+6/(pi^2)zeta^'(2)]+C-1/2 (1) = 0.06535142... (2) (OEIS A143304), where ...
Given a convex plane region with area A and perimeter p, A-1/2p<N<=A+1/2p+1, where N is the number of enclosed lattice points (Nosarzewska 1948). This improves on Jarnick's ...
A notation is a set of well-defined rules for representing quantities and operations with symbols.
In the American system, 10^(60).
A nowhere-neat dissection is a dissection of an area into polygons such that no two polygons have a side in common. A nowhere-neat dissection in which squares of the same ...
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