
Search Results for "quadraticnonresidue.html"

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An algebra which is a special case of a logos.
The Hh-function is a function closely related to the normal distribution function. It can be defined using the auxilary functions Z(x) = 1/(sqrt(2pi))e^(-x^2/2) (1) Q(x) = ...
A generalization of a solid such as a cube or a sphere to more than three dimensions. A four-dimensional version of a polyhedron is known as a polytope.
Given a sequence of values {a_k}_(k=1)^n, the high-water marks are the values at which the running maximum increases. For example, given a sequence (3,5,7,8,8,5,7,9,2,5) with ...
A term for number theory.
The term "higher dimensional group theory" was introduced by Brown (1982), and refers to a method for obtaining new homotopical information by generalizing to higher ...
A theorem proved by É. Cartan in 1913 which classifies the irreducible representations of complex semisimple Lie algebras.
Highly composite numbers are numbers such that divisor function d(n)=sigma_0(n) (i.e., the number of divisors of n) is greater than for any smaller n. Superabundant numbers ...
An integer n>1 is said to be highly cototient if the equation x-phi(x)=n has more solutions than the equations x-phi(x)=k for all 1<k<n, where phi is the totient function. ...
A connected graph is said to be highly irregular if the neighbors of each vertex have distinct vertex degrees. Highly irregular graphs exist on all orders except 3, 5 and 7, ...
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