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A global extremum, also known as an absolute extremum, is a global minimum or global maximum. It is impossible to construct an algorithm that will find a global extremum for ...
A global field is either a number field, a function field on an algebraic curve, or an extension of transcendence degree one over a finite field. From a modern point of view, ...
A global maximum, also known as an absolute maximum, the largest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range. It is impossible to construct an algorithm ...
A global minimum, also known as an absolute minimum, is the smallest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range. It is impossible to construct an algorithm ...
The objective of global optimization is to find the globally best solution of (possibly nonlinear) models, in the (possible or known) presence of multiple local optima. ...
Let G be a simple connected graph, and take 0<=i<=d(G), where d(G) is the graph diameter. Then G has global parameters c_i (respectively a_i, b_i) if the number of vertices ...
A sphere which acts as a model of a spherical (or ellipsoidal) celestial body, especially the Earth, and on which the outlines of continents, oceans, etc. are drawn.
A glome is a 4-sphere (in the geometer's sense of the word) x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2=r^2 (as opposed to the usual 3-sphere). The term derives from the Latin "glomus" meaning "ball of ...
Let there be m doctors and n<=m patients, and let all mn possible combinations of examinations of patients by doctors take place. Then what is the minimum number of surgical ...
A vector specifying how layers are stacked in a laminated lattice.
