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Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a modular Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <··> and a ...
The Möbius function is a number theoretic function defined by mu(n)={0 if n has one or more repeated prime factors; 1 if n=1; (-1)^k if n is a product of k distinct primes, ...
Let A={a_1,a_2,...} be a free Abelian semigroup, where a_1 is the identity element, and let mu(n) be the Möbius function. Define mu(a_n) on the elements of the semigroup ...
A monomial is a product of positive integer powers of a fixed set of variables (possibly) together with a coefficient, e.g., x, 3xy^2, or -2x^2y^3z. A monomial can also be ...
In a monoid or multiplicative group where the operation is a product ·, the multiplicative inverse of any element g is the element g^(-1) such that g·g^(-1)=g^(-1)·g=1, with ...
Multiply all the digits of a number n by each other, repeating with the product until a single digit is obtained. The number of steps required is known as the multiplicative ...
Multivariate zeta function, also called multiple zeta values, multivariate zeta constants (Bailey et al. 2006, p. 43), multi-zeta values (Bailey et al. 2006, p. 17), and ...
Napier's bones, also called Napier's rods, are numbered rods which can be used to perform multiplication of any number by a number 2-9. By placing "bones" corresponding to ...
The distribution of a product of two normally distributed variates X and Y with zero means and variances sigma_x^2 and sigma_y^2 is given by P_(XY)(u) = ...
A univariate function f(x) is said to be odd provided that f(-x)=-f(x). Geometrically, such functions are symmetric about the origin. Examples of odd functions include x, ...
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