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The area element for a surface with first fundamental form ds^2=Edu^2+2Fdudv+Gdv^2 is dA=sqrt(EG-F^2)du ^ dv, where du ^ dv is the wedge product.
Baxter's four-coloring constant for a triangular lattice is given by C^2 = product_(j=1)^(infty)((3j-1)^2)/((3j-2)(3j)) (1) = 3/(4pi^2)Gamma^3(1/3) (2) = 1.46099848... (3) ...
For P, Q, R, and S polynomials in n variables [P·Q,R·S]=sum_(i_1,...,i_n>=0)A/(i_1!...i_n!), (1) where A=[R^((i_1,...,i_n))(D_1,...,D_n)Q(x_1,...,x_n) ...
Let f be a bounded analytic function on D(0,1) vanishing to order m>=0 at 0 and let {a_j} be its other zeros, listed with multiplicities. Then ...
The closed graph theorem states that a linear operator between two Banach spaces X and Y is continuous iff it has a closed graph, where the "graph" {(x,f(x)):x in X} is ...
The categorical notion which is dual to product. The coproduct of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object C=coproduct_(i in I)X_i, together with a ...
A cumulative product is a sequence of partial products of a given sequence. For example, the cumulative products of the sequence {a,b,c,...}, are a, ab, abc, .... Cumulative ...
A number n is said to be divisible by d if d is a divisor of n. The function Divisible[n, d] returns True if an integer n is divisible by an integer d. The product of any n ...
The Doob graph D(m,n) is the graph given by the graph Cartesian product of m>=1 copies of the Shrikhande graph with a Hamming graph H(n,4). Doob graphs are distance-regular ...
Given a module M over a unit ring R, the set End_R(M) of its module endomorphisms is a ring with respect to the addition of maps, (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), for all x in M, and the ...
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