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Sorites paradoxes are a class of paradoxical arguments also known as little-by-little arguments. The name "sorites" derives from the Greek word soros, meaning "pile" or ...
de Rham cohomology is a formal set-up for the analytic problem: If you have a differential k-form omega on a manifold M, is it the exterior derivative of another differential ...
A Hamiltonian path, also called a Hamilton path, is a graph path between two vertices of a graph that visits each vertex exactly once. If a Hamiltonian path exists whose ...
The sequence a(n) given by the exponents of the highest power of 2 dividing n, i.e., the number of trailing 0s in the binary representation of n. For n=1, 2, ..., the first ...
Determining the maximum number of pieces in which it is possible to divide a circle for a given number of cuts is called the circle cutting or pancake cutting problem. The ...
A Fermat prime is a Fermat number F_n=2^(2^n)+1 that is prime. Fermat primes are therefore near-square primes. Fermat conjectured in 1650 that every Fermat number is prime ...
The constant e^pi that Gelfond's theorem established to be transcendental seems to lack a generally accepted name. As a result, in this work, it will be dubbed Gelfond's ...
An interior point method is a linear or nonlinear programming method (Forsgren et al. 2002) that achieves optimization by going through the middle of the solid defined by the ...
A minimum vertex cover is a vertex cover having the smallest possible number of vertices for a given graph. The size of a minimum vertex cover of a graph G is known as the ...
Any method which solves a problem by generating suitable random numbers and observing that fraction of the numbers obeying some property or properties. The method is useful ...
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