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The logarithm log_bx for a base b and a number x is defined to be the inverse function of taking b to the power x, i.e., b^x. Therefore, for any x and b, x=log_b(b^x), (1) or ...
The logarithmic integral (in the "American" convention; Abramowitz and Stegun 1972; Edwards 2001, p. 26), is defined for real x as li(x) = {int_0^x(dt)/(lnt) for 0<x<1; ...
A manifold is a topological space that is locally Euclidean (i.e., around every point, there is a neighborhood that is topologically the same as the open unit ball in R^n). ...
Mastermind is a simple two-player code-breaking board game invented in 1970 by Mordecai Meirowitz, an Israeli postmaster and telecommunications expert. It may have been ...
A Mersenne number is a number of the form M_n=2^n-1, (1) where n is an integer. The Mersenne numbers consist of all 1s in base-2, and are therefore binary repunits. The first ...
The Mertens function is the summary function M(n)=sum_(k=1)^nmu(k), (1) where mu(n) is the Möbius function (Mertens 1897; Havil 2003, p. 208). The first few values are 1, 0, ...
Knuth (2008, p. 44) terms the 24-vertex graph based on the notes of the musical scale illustrated above the "musical graph." This graph can be seen to be the 24-vertex case ...
Operations research is a vast branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Thousands of books have been written worldwide on ...
A permutation, also called an "arrangement number" or "order," is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. The ...
A plane partition is a two-dimensional array of integers n_(i,j) that are nonincreasing both from left to right and top to bottom and that add up to a given number n. In ...
