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Stellation is the process of constructing polyhedra by extending the facial planes past the polyhedron edges of a given polyhedron until they intersect (Wenninger 1989). The ...
The Johnson solids are the convex polyhedra having regular faces and equal edge lengths (with the exception of the completely regular Platonic solids, the "semiregular" ...
A symbol of the form {p,q,r,...} used to describe regular polygons, polyhedra, and their higher-dimensional counterparts. The symbol {p} denotes a regular polygon for integer ...
A plesiohedron is the Voronoi cell of a so-called symmetric Delone set. Plesiohedra are space-filling polyhedra which have special symmetries that take any copy of the ...
For a given point lattice, some number of points will be within distance d of the origin. A Waterman polyhedron is the convex hull of these points. A progression of Waterman ...
A regular skew polyhedron is a polyhedron whose faces and vertex figures are regular skew polygons. There are only three regular skew polyhedra in Euclidean three-space ...
A simple polyhedron, also called a simplicial polyhedron, is a polyhedron that is topologically equivalent to a sphere (i.e., if it were inflated, it would produce a sphere) ...
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
That portion of geometry dealing with solids, as opposed to plane geometry. Solid geometry is concerned with polyhedra, spheres, three-dimensional solids, lines in ...
A cube 12-compound can be constructed from the vertices of the first dodecahedron 2-compound. It will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram Language as ...
