
Search Results for "plate tectonics"

41 - 50 of 78 for plate tectonicsSearch Results
A piecewise polynomial function that can have a locally very simple form, yet at the same time be globally flexible and smooth. Splines are very useful for modeling arbitrary ...
The hundred-dollar, hundred-digits challenge problems are a set of ten problems in numerical analysis published in the January/February 2002 issue of SIAM News ...
A catenary of revolution. The catenoid and plane are the only surfaces of revolution which are also minimal surfaces. The catenoid can be given by the parametric equations x ...
Cayley's cubic surface is the unique cubic surface having four ordinary double points (Hunt), the maximum possible for cubic surface (Endraß). The Cayley cubic is invariant ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds of two cubes. The first (left figures) is obtained by allowing two cubes to share opposite polyhedron vertices then ...
The great dodecahedron is the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedron whose dual is the small stellated dodecahedron. It is also uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 35 (Maeder 1997), ...
The (circular) helicoid is the minimal surface having a (circular) helix as its boundary. It is the only ruled minimal surface other than the plane (Catalan 1842, do Carmo ...
The pseudosphere is the constant negative-Gaussian curvature surface of revolution generated by a tractrix about its asymptote. It is sometimes also called the tractroid, ...
In general, a triakis octahedron is a non-regular icositetrahedron that can be constructed as a positive augmentation of regular octahedron. Such a solid is also known as a ...
An n-trapezohedron, also called an antidipyramid, antibipyramid, or deltohedron (not to be confused with a deltahedron), is a solid composed of interleaved symmetric ...
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