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Baud rate is a measure of the number of times per second a signal in a communications channel changes state. The state is usually voltage level, frequency, or phase angle.
A phase curve (i.e., an invariant manifold) which meets a hyperbolic fixed point (i.e., an intersection of a stable and an unstable invariant manifold) or connects the ...
A surface (or "space") of section, also called a Poincaré section (Rasband 1990, pp. 7 and 93-94), is a way of presenting a trajectory in n-dimensional phase space in an ...
The representation, beloved of engineers and physicists, of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential x+iy=|z|e^(iphi), (1) where i (called j by engineers) is the ...
An attractor is a set of states (points in the phase space), invariant under the dynamics, towards which neighboring states in a given basin of attraction asymptotically ...
A function of the coordinates which is constant along a trajectory in phase space. The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system such as the Duffing differential ...
An operator which describes the time evolution of densities in phase space. The operator can be defined by rho_(n+1)=L^~rho_n, where rho_n are the natural invariants after ...
A pair (M,omega), where M is a manifold and omega is a symplectic form on M. The phase space R^(2n)=R^n×R^n is a symplectic manifold. Near every point on a symplectic ...
A complex number z may be represented as z=x+iy=|z|e^(itheta), (1) where |z| is a positive real number called the complex modulus of z, and theta (sometimes also denoted phi) ...
Synergetics deals with systems composed of many subsystems which may each be of a very different nature. In particular, synergetics treats systems in which cooperation among ...
