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461 - 470 of 1332 for phase and group velocitySearch Results
An n-dimensional manifold M is said to be a homotopy sphere, if it is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere S^n. Thus no homotopy group can distinguish between M and S^n. The ...
Let V be a variety, and write G(V) for the set of divisors, G_l(V) for the set of divisors linearly equivalent to 0, and G_a(V) for the group of divisors algebraically equal ...
Associated with an irreducible curve of curve genus p, there are p linearly independent integrals of the first sort. The roots of the integrands are groups of the canonical ...
If one part of the total intersection group of a curve of order n with a curve of order n_1+n_2 constitutes the total intersection with a curve of order n_1, then the other ...
An edge-transitive graph is a graph such that any two edges are equivalent under some element of its automorphism group. More precisely, a graph is edge-transitive if for all ...
An intrinsic property of a mathematical object which causes it to remain invariant under certain classes of transformations (such as rotation, reflection, inversion, or more ...
The cross number of a zero-system sigma={g_1,g_2,...,g_n} of G is defined as K(sigma)=sum_(i=1)^n1/(|g_i|) The cross number of a group G has two different definitions. 1. ...
In a monoid or multiplicative group where the operation is a product ·, the multiplicative inverse of any element g is the element g^(-1) such that g·g^(-1)=g^(-1)·g=1, with ...
Cohomology is an invariant of a topological space, formally "dual" to homology, and so it detects "holes" in a space. Cohomology has more algebraic structure than homology, ...
An automorphic function f(z) of a complex variable z is one which is analytic (except for poles) in a domain D and which is invariant under a countably infinite group of ...
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