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891 - 900 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results
The contact angle between a sphere and a tangent plane is the angle alpha between the normal to the sphere at the point of tangency and the basal plane with respect to which ...
Let P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w be distinct points, neither lying on a side line of the reference triangle DeltaABC. Then the P-cross conjugate of U is the point ...
Let P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w be distinct trilinear points, neither lying on a sideline of DeltaABC. Then the crossdifference of P and U is the point X defined by trilinears ...
If P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w are distinct trilinear points, neither lying on a sideline of the reference triangle DeltaABC, then the crosspoint of P and U is the point ...
If P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w are distinct trilinear points, neither lying on a sideline of the reference triangle DeltaABC, then the crosssum of P and U is the point ...
The rotation vector of the trihedron of a curve with curvature kappa!=0 when a point moves along a curve with unit speed. It is given by D=tauT+kappaB, (1) where tau is the ...
The dimension of an object is a topological measure of the size of its covering properties. Roughly speaking, it is the number of coordinates needed to specify a point on the ...
A plane parallel to two (or more) skew lines, also called a director plane. The orientation of a director is fixed, but it is specified uniquely only if a point lying on it ...
A discontinuity is point at which a mathematical object is discontinuous. The left figure above illustrates a discontinuity in a one-variable function while the right figure ...
Given a point set P={x_n}_(n=0)^(N-1) in the s-dimensional unit cube [0,1)^s, the star discrepancy is defined as D_N^*(P)=sup_(J in Upsilon^*)D(J,P), (1) where the local ...
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