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The intensity measure mu of a point process X relative to a Borel set B subset R^d is defined to be the expected number of points of X falling in B. Symbolically, ...
Johnson's theorem states that if three equal circles mutually intersect one another in a single point, then the circle passing through their other three pairwise points of ...
The nth raw moment mu_n^' (i.e., moment about zero) of a distribution P(x) is defined by mu_n^'=<x^n>, (1) where <f(x)>={sumf(x)P(x) discrete distribution; intf(x)P(x)dx ...
If f(z) is continuous in a region D and satisfies ∮_gammafdz=0 for all closed contours gamma in D, then f(z) is analytic in D. Morera's theorem does not require simple ...
A multivalued function, also known as a multiple-valued function (Knopp 1996, part 1 p. 103), is a "function" that assumes two or more distinct values in its range for at ...
A hypersphere S^n is parallelizable if there are n vector fields that are linearly independent at each point. There exist only three parallelizable spheres: S^1, S^3, and S^7 ...
The quotient space X/∼ of a topological space X and an equivalence relation ∼ on X is the set of equivalence classes of points in X (under the equivalence relation ∼) ...
The Stammler circle is the circumcircle of the Stammler triangle. Unexpectedly, it has center at the circumcenter O (X_3) of the reference triangle and radius 2R (Ehrmann and ...
Symmetry operations include the improper rotation, inversion operation, mirror plane, and rotation. Together, these operations create 32 crystal classes corresponding to the ...
The word configuration is sometimes used to describe a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d, where R^d is a Euclidean space. The term "configuration" also ...
