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Two groups are isomorphic if the correspondence between them is one-to-one and the "multiplication" table is preserved. For example, the point groups C_2 and D_1 are ...
A planar diagram depicting a link (or knot) as a sequence of segments with gaps representing undercrossings and solid lines overcrossings. In such a diagram, only two ...
Every point which can be constructed with a straightedge and compass, and no other points, can be constructed using identical matchsticks (i.e., identical movable line ...
A partial derivative of second or greater order with respect to two or more different variables, for example f_(xy)=(partial^2f)/(partialxpartialy). If the mixed partial ...
If lim_(z->z_0)(f(z)-f(z_0))/(z-z_0) is the same for all paths in the complex plane, then f(z) is said to be monogenic at z_0. Monogenic therefore essentially means having a ...
A multiple root is a root with multiplicity n>=2, also called a multiple point or repeated root. For example, in the equation (x-1)^2=0, 1 is multiple (double) root. If a ...
A nonuniform rational B-spline curve defined by C(t)=(sum_(i=0)^(n)N_(i,p)(t)w_iP_i)/(sum_(i=0)^(n)N_(i,p)(t)w_i), where p is the order, N_(i,p) are the B-spline basis ...
If each of two nonparallel transversals with nonminimal directions meets a given curve in finite points only, then the ratio of products of the distances from the two sets of ...
The centroid of the four points constituting an orthocentric system is the center of the common nine-point circle (Johnson 1929, p. 249). This fact automatically guarantees ...
Consider a reference triangle DeltaABC and any given point P. The perpendiculars to AP, BP and CP respectively meet BC, AC and AB in three collinear points defining line l. ...
