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The Kaprekar routine is an algorithm discovered in 1949 by D. R. Kaprekar for 4-digit numbers, but which can be generalized to k-digit numbers. To apply the Kaprekar routine ...
It is possible to perform multiplication of large numbers in (many) fewer operations than the usual brute-force technique of "long multiplication." As discovered by Karatsuba ...
The Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra are four regular polyhedra which, unlike the Platonic solids, contain intersecting facial planes. In addition, two of the four Kepler-Poinsot ...
The Laguerre polynomials are solutions L_n(x) to the Laguerre differential equation with nu=0. They are illustrated above for x in [0,1] and n=1, 2, ..., 5, and implemented ...
A wide variety of large numbers crop up in mathematics. Some are contrived, but some actually arise in proofs. Often, it is possible to prove existence theorems by deriving ...
The term limit comes about relative to a number of topics from several different branches of mathematics. A sequence x_1,x_2,... of elements in a topological space X is said ...
Logic is the formal mathematical study of the methods, structure, and validity of mathematical deduction and proof. According to Wolfram (2002, p. 860), logic is the most ...
The integer sequence beginning with a single digit in which the next term is obtained by describing the previous term. Starting with 1, the sequence would be defined by "1, ...
The orchard-planting problem (also known as the orchard problem or tree-planting problem) asks that n trees be planted so that there will be r(n,k) straight rows with k trees ...
There are six Painlevé transcendents, corresponding to second-order ordinary differential equations whose only movable singularities are ordinary poles and which cannot be ...
