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201 - 210 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results
The maximum distance between n points in three dimensions can occur no more than 2n-2 times. Also, there exists a fixed number c such that no distance determined by a set of ...
The intersection Ev of the Gergonne line and the Euler line. It has triangle center function alpha=(b(a-b+c)cosB+c(a+b-c)cosC-2a^2cosA)/(2a) and is Kimberling center X_(1375).
An estimator of the actual values of population.
The concurrence S of the Euler lines E_n of the triangles DeltaXBC, DeltaXCA, DeltaXAB, and DeltaABC where X is the incenter. It has equivalent triangle center functions ...
The portion of the probability distribution which has a P-value equal to the observed P-value.
On the Clebsch diagonal cubic, all 27 of the complex lines present on a general smooth cubic surface are real. In addition, there are 10 points on the surface where three of ...
If intersecting stable and unstable manifolds (separatrices) emanate from fixed points of different families, they are called heteroclinic points.
A pair of values x and y one or both of which is complex.
Three concurrent homologous lines pass respectively through three fixed points on the similitude circle which are known as the invariable points.
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