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A species of structures is a rule F which 1. Produces, for each finite set U, a finite set F[U], 2. Produces, for each bijection sigma:U->V, a function F[sigma]:F[U]->F[V]. ...
The equation of the curve of intersection of a torus with a plane perpendicular to both the midplane of the torus and to the plane x=0. (The general intersection of a torus ...
The study of random geometric structures. Stochastic geometry leads to modelling and analysis tools such as Monte carlo methods.
A collection of subsets of a topological space that is contained in a basis of the topology and can be completed to a basis when adding all finite intersections of the ...
A topological space fulfilling the T_2-axiom: i.e., any two points have disjoint neighborhoods. In the terminology of Alexandroff and Hopf (1972), a T_2-space is called a ...
The (not necessarily regular) tetrahedron of least volume circumscribed around a convex body B with volume V is not known. If B is a parallelepiped, then the smallest-volume ...
A characterization of normal spaces with respect to the definition given by Kelley (1955, p. 112) or Willard (1970, p. 99). It states that the topological space X is normal ...
A foliation F of dimension p on a manifold M is transversely orientable if it is integral to a p-plane distribution D on M whose normal bundle Q is orientable. A p-plane ...
Every convex body B in the Euclidean plane with area A can be inscribed in a triangle of area at most equal to 2A (Gross 1918, Eggleston 1957). The worst possible fit ...
Let X be a connected topological space. Then X is unicoherent provided that for any closed connected subsets A and B of X, if X=A union B, then A intersection B is connected. ...
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