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1301 - 1310 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results
Consider any star of n line segments through one point in space such that no three lines are coplanar. Then there exists a polyhedron, known as a zonohedron, whose faces ...
Let p be a prime with n digits and let A be a constant. Call p an "A-prime" if the concatenation of the first n digits of A (ignoring the decimal point if one is present) ...
A finite group is a group having finite group order. Examples of finite groups are the modulo multiplication groups, point groups, cyclic groups, dihedral groups, symmetric ...
The four-color theorem states that any map in a plane can be colored using four-colors in such a way that regions sharing a common boundary (other than a single point) do not ...
Given a "good" graph G (i.e., one for which all intersecting graph edges intersect in a single point and arise from four distinct graph vertices), the crossing number is the ...
The Tutte 8-cage (Godsil and Royle 2001, p. 59; right figure) is a cubic graph on 30 nodes and 45 edges which is the Levi graph of the Cremona-Richmond configuration. It ...
The binomial coefficient (n; k) is the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities, also known as a combination or combinatorial number. The symbols ...
An almost integer is a number that is very close to an integer. Near-solutions to Fermat's last theorem provide a number of high-profile almost integers. In the season 7, ...
The term "arbelos" means shoemaker's knife in Greek, and this term is applied to the shaded area in the above figure which resembles the blade of a knife used by ancient ...
A generalized quadrangle is a generalized polygon of order 4. An order-(s,t) generalized quadrangle contains s+1 points in each line and has t+1 lines through every point, ...
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