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Let C be a smooth geometrically connected projective curve over F_q with q=p^s a prime power. Let infty be a fixed closed point of X but not necessarily F_q-rational. A ...
The Fuhrmann center Fu is the center of the Fuhrmann circle, given by the midpoint of the line joining the Nagel point and orthocenter (which forms a diameter of the Fuhrmann ...
A global field is either a number field, a function field on an algebraic curve, or an extension of transcendence degree one over a finite field. From a modern point of view, ...
Gram's law (Hutchinson 1925; Edwards 2001, pp. 125, 127, and 171) is the tendency for zeros of the Riemann-Siegel function Z(t) to alternate with Gram points. Stated more ...
When two cycles have a transversal intersection X_1 intersection X_2=Y on a smooth manifold M, then Y is a cycle. Moreover, the homology class that Y represents depends only ...
A hypotrochoid is a roulette traced by a point P attached to a circle of radius b rolling around the inside of a fixed circle of radius a, where P is a distance h from the ...
Some elements of a group G acting on a space X may fix a point x. These group elements form a subgroup called the isotropy group, defined by G_x={g in G:gx=x}. For example, ...
The jinc function is defined as jinc(x)=(J_1(x))/x, (1) where J_1(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, and satisfies lim_(x->0)jinc(x)=1/2. The derivative of the jinc ...
The Lemoine hexagon is a cyclic hexagon with vertices given by the six concyclic intersections of the parallels of a reference triangle through its symmedian point K. The ...
The Lester circle is the circle on which the circumcenter C, nine-point center N, and the first and second Fermat points X and X^' lie (Kimberling 1998, pp. 229-230). Besides ...
