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The cube-connected cycle graph of order n is the graph obtained by replacing each vertex in a n-dimensional hypercube by a cycle of length n. They were introduced by ...
Define a cell in R^1 as an open interval or a point. A cell in R^(k+1) then has one of two forms, {(x,y):x in C, and f(x)<y<g(x)} (1) or {(x,y):x in C, and y=f(x)}, (2) where ...
Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of two-dimensional polar coordinates to three dimensions by superposing a height (z) axis. Unfortunately, there are a number of ...
According to Euler's rotation theorem, any rotation may be described using three angles. If the rotations are written in terms of rotation matrices D, C, and B, then a ...
An n-step Fibonacci sequence {F_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting F_k^((n))=0 for k<=0, F_1^((n))=F_2^((n))=1, and other terms according to the linear recurrence ...
The self-describing sequence consisting of "blocks" of single and double 1s and 2s, where a "block" is a single digit or pair of digits that is different from the digit (or ...
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems. The Laplace transform is particularly ...
Expressions of the form lim_(k->infty)x_0+sqrt(x_1+sqrt(x_2+sqrt(...+x_k))) (1) are called nested radicals. Herschfeld (1935) proved that a nested radical of real nonnegative ...
Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomials {p_n(x)} defined over a range [a,b] that obey an orthogonality relation int_a^bw(x)p_m(x)p_n(x)dx=delta_(mn)c_n, (1) where ...
A game played on a board of a given shape consisting of a number of holes of which all but one are initially filled with pegs. The goal is to remove all pegs but one by ...