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The inverse limit of a family of R-modules is the dual notion of a direct limit and is characterized by the following mapping property. For a directed set I and a family of ...
Quantifier elimination is the removal of all quantifiers (the universal quantifier forall and existential quantifier exists ) from a quantified system. A first-order theory ...
The term "recursive function" is often used informally to describe any function that is defined with recursion. There are several formal counterparts to this informal ...
The rule which determines the orientation of the cross product u×v. The right-hand rule states that the orientation of the vectors' cross product is determined by placing u ...
The vector space generated by the rows of a matrix viewed as vectors. The row space of a n×m matrix A with real entries is a subspace generated by n elements of R^m, hence ...
Let A be a relational system, and let L be a language which is appropriate for A. Let phi be a well-formed formula of L, and let s be a valuation in A. Then A|=_sphi is ...
An algorithm that can always be used to decide whether a given polynomial is free of zeros in the closed unit disk (or, using an entire linear transformation, to any other ...
Let f_1(z), ..., f_m(z) for m>=1 be a set of E-functions that (1) form a solution of the system of differential equations y_k^'=q_(k0)+sum_(j=1)^mq_(kj)y_j for q_(kj) in C(z) ...
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
A stochastic resonance is a phenomenon in which a nonlinear system is subjected to a periodic modulated signal so weak as to be normally undetectable, but it becomes ...