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In nonstandard analysis, the transfer principle is the technical form of the following intuitive idea: "Anything provable about a given superstructure V by passing to a ...
A transversal design TD_lambda(k,n) of order n, block size k, and index lambda is a triple (V, G, B) such that 1. V is a set of kn elements, 2. G is a partition of V into k ...
Let (K,|·|) be a non-Archimedean field. Its valuation ring R is defined to be R={x in K:|x|<=1}. The valuation ring has maximal ideal M={x in K:|x|<1}, and the field R/M is ...
int_0^inftyJ_0(ax)cos(cx)dx={0 a<c; 1/(sqrt(a^2-c^2)) a>c (1) int_0^inftyJ_0(ax)sin(cx)dx={1/(sqrt(c^2-a^2)) a<c; 0 a>c, (2) where J_0(z) is a zeroth order Bessel function of ...
Given a set of n+1 control points P_0, P_1, ..., P_n, the corresponding Bézier curve (or Bernstein-Bézier curve) is given by C(t)=sum_(i=0)^nP_iB_(i,n)(t), where B_(i,n)(t) ...
In common usage, an ordinal number is an adjective which describes the numerical position of an object, e.g., first, second, third, etc. In formal set theory, an ordinal ...
The Danzer graph is the Levi graph of the Danzer configuration (Boben et al. 2015). It has 70 vertices and 140 edges and is quartic, bipartite, self-dual, and unit-distance. ...
A semiperfect magic cube, sometimes also called an "Andrews cube" (Gardner 1976; Gardner 1988, p. 219) is a magic cube for which the cross section diagonals do not sum to the ...
A differential equation or system of ordinary differential equations is said to be autonomous if it does not explicitly contain the independent variable (usually denoted t). ...
The upper and lower hinges are descriptive statistics of a set of N data values, where N is of the form N=4n+5 with n=0, 1, 2, .... The hinges are obtained by ordering the ...
