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The Feigenbaum constant delta is a universal constant for functions approaching chaos via period doubling. It was discovered by Feigenbaum in 1975 (Feigenbaum 1979) while ...
A graceful graph is a graph that can be gracefully labeled. Special cases of graceful graphs include the utility graph K_(2,3) (Gardner 1983) and Petersen graph. A graph that ...
The Legendre polynomials, sometimes called Legendre functions of the first kind, Legendre coefficients, or zonal harmonics (Whittaker and Watson 1990, p. 302), are solutions ...
Minimal surfaces are defined as surfaces with zero mean curvature. A minimal surface parametrized as x=(u,v,h(u,v)) therefore satisfies Lagrange's equation, ...
A polyomino is a generalization of the domino to a collection of n squares of equal size arranged with coincident sides. Polyominos were originally called "super-dominoes" by ...
What is the maximum number of queens that can be placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two attack one another? The answer is n-1 queens for n=2 or n=3 and n queens ...
The m×n rook graph (confusingly called the m×n grid by Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 440) and also sometimes known as a lattice graph (e.g., Brouwer) is the graph Cartesian product ...
Spherical coordinates, also called spherical polar coordinates (Walton 1967, Arfken 1985), are a system of curvilinear coordinates that are natural for describing positions ...
Every planar graph (i.e., graph with graph genus 0) has an embedding on a torus. In contrast, toroidal graphs are embeddable on the torus, but not in the plane, i.e., they ...
A tree is a mathematical structure that can be viewed as either a graph or as a data structure. The two views are equivalent, since a tree data structure contains not only a ...
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