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A Cunningham number is a binomial number of the form C^+/-(b,n)=b^n+/-1 with b>1 and n positive integers. Bases b^k which are themselves powers need not be considered since ...
The least number of crossings that occur in any projection of a link. In general, it is difficult to find the crossing number of a given link. Knots and links are generally ...
A McNugget number is a positive integer that can be obtained by adding together orders of McDonald's® Chicken McNuggetsTM (prior to consuming any), which originally came in ...
A solitary number is a number which does not have any friends. Solitary numbers include all primes, prime powers, and numbers for which (n,sigma(n))=1, where (a,b) is the ...
The Hamiltonian number h(n) of a connected graph G is the length of a Hamiltonian walk G. In other words, it is the minimum length of a closed spanning walk in the graph. For ...
A biquadratic number is a fourth power, n^4. The first few biquadratic numbers are 1, 16, 81, 256, 625, ... (OEIS A000583). The minimum number of biquadratic numbers needed ...
Let N^* be the smallest dimension n of a hypercube such that if the lines joining all pairs of corners are two-colored for any n>=N^*, a complete graph K_4 of one color with ...
A wide variety of large numbers crop up in mathematics. Some are contrived, but some actually arise in proofs. Often, it is possible to prove existence theorems by deriving ...
Let a graph G=(V,E) be defined on vertex set V and edge set E. Then a construction sequence (or c-sequence) for G is a linear order on V union E in which each edge appears ...
Let a set of vertices A in a connected graph G be called convex if for every two vertices x,y in A, the vertex set of every (x,y) graph geodesic lies completely in A. Also ...
