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12691 - 12700 of 13135 for number theorySearch Results
The bipartite double graph, also called the Kronecker cover, Kronecker double cover, bipartite double cover, canonical double cover, or bipartite double, of a given graph G ...
The bivariate normal distribution is the statistical distribution with probability density function P(x_1,x_2)=1/(2pisigma_1sigma_2sqrt(1-rho^2))exp[-z/(2(1-rho^2))], (1) ...
Dawson's integral (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, pp. 295 and 319), also sometimes called Dawson's function, is the entire function given by the integral F(x) = ...
The graph distance matrix, sometimes also called the all-pairs shortest path matrix, is the square matrix (d_(ij)) consisting of all graph distances from vertex v_i to vertex ...
Hadamard's maximum determinant problem asks to find the largest possible determinant (in absolute value) for any n×n matrix whose elements are taken from some set. Hadamard ...
A Hamilton decomposition (also called a Hamiltonian decomposition; Bosák 1990, p. 123) of a Hamiltonian regular graph is a partition of its edge set into Hamiltonian cycles. ...
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to solved for f(x). If the limits of the integral are fixed, an integral equation is called a Fredholm ...
The Kirchhoff sum index KfS is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by KfS=1/2sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^n((Omega)_(ij))/((d)_(ij)), where (Omega)_(ij) is the resistance ...
A graph G is said to be locally X, where X is a graph (or class of graphs), when for every vertex v, the graph induced on G by the set of adjacent vertices of V (sometimes ...
Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. ...
