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A sequential substitution system is a substitution system in which a string is scanned from left to right for the first occurrence of the first rule pattern. If the pattern ...
Series reversion is the computation of the coefficients of the inverse function given those of the forward function. For a function expressed in a series with no constant ...
Serre's problem, also called Serre's conjecture, asserts that the implication "free module ==> projective module" can be reversed for every module over the polynomial ring ...
Order the natural numbers as follows: Now let F be a continuous function from the reals to the reals and suppose p≺q in the above ordering. Then if F has a point of least ...
There are several fractal curves associated with Sierpiński. The area for the first Sierpiński curve illustrated above (Sierpiński curve 1912) is A=1/3(7-4sqrt(2)). The curve ...
Simpson's rule is a Newton-Cotes formula for approximating the integral of a function f using quadratic polynomials (i.e., parabolic arcs instead of the straight line ...
Inscribe two triangles DeltaA_1B_1C_1 and DeltaA_2B_2C_2 in a reference triangle DeltaABC such that A = ∠AB_1C_1=∠AC_2B_2 (1) B = ∠BC_1A_1=∠BA_2C_2 (2) C = ∠CA_1B_1=∠CB_2A_2. ...
A singular point of an algebraic curve is a point where the curve has "nasty" behavior such as a cusp or a point of self-intersection (when the underlying field K is taken as ...
If a matrix A has a matrix of eigenvectors P that is not invertible (for example, the matrix [1 1; 0 1] has the noninvertible system of eigenvectors [1 0; 0 0]), then A does ...
The Smale horseshoe map consists of a sequence of operations on the unit square. First, stretch in the y direction by more than a factor of two, then compress in the x ...
