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12091 - 12100 of 13135 for number theorySearch Results
The Kampé de Fériet function is a special function that generalizes the generalized hypergeometric function to two variables and includes the Appell hypergeometric function ...
In combinatorial logic minimization, a device known as a Karnaugh map is frequently used. It is similar to a truth table, but the various variables are represented along two ...
What space-filling arrangement of similar cells of equal volume has minimal surface area? This questions arises naturally in the theory of foams when the liquid content is ...
Let z be defined as a function of w in terms of a parameter alpha by z=w+alphaphi(z). (1) Then Lagrange's inversion theorem, also called a Lagrange expansion, states that any ...
The Legendre differential equation is the second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-2x(dy)/(dx)+l(l+1)y=0, (1) which can be rewritten ...
The modified bessel function of the second kind is the function K_n(x) which is one of the solutions to the modified Bessel differential equation. The modified Bessel ...
Approximants derived by expanding a function as a ratio of two power series and determining both the numerator and denominator coefficients. Padé approximations are usually ...
A statement which appears self-contradictory or contrary to expectations, also known as an antinomy. Curry (1977, p. 5) uses the term pseudoparadox to describe an apparent ...
Propositional calculus is the formal basis of logic dealing with the notion and usage of words such as "NOT," "OR," "AND," and "implies." Many systems of propositional ...
The concept of "random close packing" was shown by Torquato et al. (2000) to be mathematically ill-defined idea that is better replaced by the notion of "maximally random ...
