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11011 - 11020 of 13135 for number theorySearch Results
Let lambda be the longitude, lambda_0 the reference longitude, phi the latitude, phi_0 the reference latitude, and phi_1 and phi_2 the standard parallels. Then the ...
An equation proposed by Lambert (1758) and studied by Euler in 1779. x^alpha-x^beta=(alpha-beta)vx^(alpha+beta). (1) When alpha->beta, the equation becomes lnx=vx^beta, (2) ...
An approximation for the gamma function Gamma(z+1) with R[z]>0 is given by Gamma(z+1)=sqrt(2pi)(z+sigma+1/2)^(z+1/2)e^(-(z+sigma+1/2))sum_(k=0)^inftyg_kH_k(z), (1) where ...
The Laplace distribution, also called the double exponential distribution, is the distribution of differences between two independent variates with identical exponential ...
The spherical harmonics form a complete orthogonal system, so an arbitrary real function f(theta,phi) can be expanded in terms of complex spherical harmonics by ...
In toroidal coordinates, Laplace's equation becomes (1) Attempt separation of variables by plugging in the trial solution f(u,v,phi)=sqrt(coshu-cosv)U(u)V(v)Psi(psi), (2) ...
The Laplacian spectral ratio R_L(G) of a connected graph G is defined as the ratio of its Laplacian spectral radius to its algebraic connectivity. If a connected graph of ...
An irregular dodecagonal cross in the shape of a dagger |. The six faces of a cube can be cut along seven edges and unfolded into a Latin cross (i.e., the Latin cross is the ...
The latitude of a point on a sphere is the elevation of the point from the plane of the equator. The latitude delta is related to the colatitude (the polar angle in spherical ...
A Laurent polynomial with coefficients in the field F is an algebraic object that is typically expressed in the form ...+a_(-n)t^(-n)+a_(-(n-1))t^(-(n-1))+... ...
