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4011 - 4020 of 13135 for number senseSearch Results

The property of being degenerate.
One of the three 2-polyaboloes.
A metric g_(ij) which is zero for i!=j.
A diffeomorphism is a map between manifolds which is differentiable and has a differentiable inverse.
A cryptarithmetic in which digits are used to represent other digits.
For a finite group of h elements with an n_ith dimensional ith irreducible representation, sum_(i)n_i^2=h.
The operator D=-i(d+d^*), where d^* is the adjoint.
A simple graph with n>=3 graph vertices in which each graph vertex has vertex degree >=n/2 has a Hamiltonian cycle.
The Dirichlet beta function is defined by the sum beta(x) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(-1)^n(2n+1)^(-x) (1) = 2^(-x)Phi(-1,x,1/2), (2) where Phi(z,s,a) is the Lerch transcendent. The ...
If g is continuous and mu,nu>0, then int_0^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)dxiint_0^xi(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dx =int_0^tdxint_x^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dxi.
