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A collection of equations satisfies the Hasse principle if, whenever one of the equations has solutions in R and all the Q_p, then the equations have solutions in the ...
If intersecting stable and unstable manifolds (separatrices) emanate from fixed points of different families, they are called heteroclinic points.
A hexagonal antiprism is an antiprism having hexagons as its bases. A stretched hexagonal antiprism is the convex hull of the tetrahedron 3-compound. The dual polyhedron of ...
The system of partial differential equations u_t = 1/2u_(xxx)+3uu_x-6ww_x (1) w_t = -w_(xxx)-3uw_x. (2)
When f:A->B is a ring homomorphism and b is an ideal in B, then f^(-1)(b) is an ideal in A, called the contraction of b and sometimes denoted b^c. The contraction of a prime ...
A periodic matrix with period 1, so that A^2=A.
A set of graph vertices A of a graph with graph edges V is independent if it contains no graph edges.
A polynomial that represents integers for all integer values of the variables. An integer polynomial is a special case of such a polynomial. In general, every integer ...
Given a geodesic triangle (a triangle formed by the arcs of three geodesics on a smooth surface), int_(ABC)Kda=A+B+C-pi. Given the Euler characteristic chi, intintKda=2pichi, ...
A definition of a set by mentioning a defining property.
