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3241 - 3250 of 13135 for number senseSearch Results
Let there be n>=2 integers 0<a_1<...<a_n with GCD(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)=1. The values a_i represent the denominations of n different coins, where these denominations have greatest ...
The Kneser graphs are a class of graph introduced by Lovász (1978) to prove Kneser's conjecture. Given two positive integers n and k, the Kneser graph K(n,k), often denoted ...
The self-describing sequence consisting of "blocks" of single and double 1s and 2s, where a "block" is a single digit or pair of digits that is different from the digit (or ...
The Kronecker symbol is an extension of the Jacobi symbol (n/m) to all integers. It is variously written as (n/m) or (n/m) (Cohn 1980; Weiss 1998, p. 236) or (n|m) (Dickson ...
An l_x table is a tabulation of numbers which is used to calculate life expectancies. x n_x d_x l_x q_x L_x T_x e_x 0 1000 200 1.00 0.20 0.90 2.70 2.70 1 800 100 0.80 0.12 ...
Given the Mertens function defined by M(n)=sum_(k=1)^nmu(k), (1) where mu(n) is the Möbius function, Stieltjes claimed in an 1885 letter to Hermite that M(x)x^(-1/2) stays ...
Anomalous cancellation is a "canceling" of digits of a and b in the numerator and denominator of a fraction a/b which results in a fraction equal to the original. Note that ...
An algorithm that can be used to factor a polynomial f over the integers. The algorithm proceeds by first factoring f modulo a suitable prime p via Berlekamp's method and ...
"Casting out nines" is an elementary check of a multiplication which makes use of the congruence 10^n=1 (mod 9). Let decimal numbers be written a=a_n...a_2a_1a_0, ...
Chebyshev noticed that the remainder upon dividing the primes by 4 gives 3 more often than 1, as plotted above in the left figure. Similarly, dividing the primes by 3 gives 2 ...
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