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Let V be a real symmetric matrix of large order N having random elements v_(ij) that for i<=j are independently distributed with equal densities, equal second moments m^2, ...
A knot property, also called the twist number, defined as the sum of crossings p of a link L, w(L)=sum_(p in C(L))epsilon(p), (1) where epsilon(p) defined to be +/-1 if the ...
The shortest circular sequence of length sigma^n such that every string of length n on the alphabet a of size sigma occurs as a contiguous subrange of the sequence described ...
Simply stated, floating-point arithmetic is arithmetic performed on floating-point representations by any number of automated devices. Traditionally, this definition is ...
In this work, the name Pythagoras's constant will be given to the square root of 2, sqrt(2)=1.4142135623... (1) (OEIS A002193), which the Pythagoreans proved to be ...
The biconjugate gradient stabilized (BCGSTAB) method was developed to solve nonsymmetric linear systems while avoiding the often irregular convergence patterns of the ...
Based on methods developer in collaboration with M. Leclert, Catalan (1865) computed the constant K=0.915965594177... (OEIS A006752) now known as Catalans' constant to 9 ...
A matrix whose elements may contain complex numbers. The matrix product of two 2×2 complex matrices is given by (1) where R_(11) = ...
In the biconjugate gradient method, the residual vector r^((i)) can be regarded as the product of r^((0)) and an ith degree polynomial in A, i.e., r^((i))=P_i(A)r^((0)). (1) ...
Draw antiparallels through the symmedian point K. The points where these lines intersect the sides then lie on a circle, known as the cosine circle (or sometimes the second ...
