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An elliptic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has purely imaginary eigenvalues lambda_+/-=+/-iomega (for omega>0). An ...
Given a system of two ordinary differential equations x^. = f(x,y) (1) y^. = g(x,y), (2) let x_0 and y_0 denote fixed points with x^.=y^.=0, so f(x_0,y_0) = 0 (3) g(x_0,y_0) ...
A fixed point is a point that does not change upon application of a map, system of differential equations, etc. In particular, a fixed point of a function f(x) is a point x_0 ...
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding a graph geodesic, i.e., the shortest path between two graph vertices in a graph. It functions by constructing a shortest-path ...
A hyperbolic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has eigenvalues lambda_1<0<lambda_2, also called a saddle point. A ...
A lossless data compression algorithm which uses a small number of bits to encode common characters. Huffman coding approximates the probability for each character as a power ...
A tree is a mathematical structure that can be viewed as either a graph or as a data structure. The two views are equivalent, since a tree data structure contains not only a ...
A connected graph is graph that is connected in the sense of a topological space, i.e., there is a path from any point to any other point in the graph. A graph that is not ...
A labeled graph G=(V,E) is a finite series of graph vertices V with a set of graph edges E of 2-subsets of V. Given a graph vertex set V_n={1,2,...,n}, the number of ...
An elliptic curve is the set of solutions to an equation of the form y^2+a_1xy+a_3y=x^3+a_2x^2+a_4x+a_6. (1) By changing variables, y->2y+a_1x+a_3, assuming the field ...
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