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Define an antipode of a given graph vertex v_i as a vertex v_j at greatest possible graph distance from v_i. Then an antipodal graph is a connected graph in which each vertex ...
The map which takes points on the surface of a sphere S^2 to their antipodal points.
Two points are antipodal (i.e., each is the antipode of the other) if they are diametrically opposite. Examples include endpoints of a line segment, or poles of a sphere. ...
Given a point P, the point P^' which is the antipodal point of P is said to be the antipode of P. The term antipode is also used in plane geometry. Given a central conic (or ...
A general n-gonal antiprism is a polyhedron consisting of identical top and bottom n-gonal faces whose periphery is bounded by a band of 2n triangles with alternating up-down ...
An antiprism graph is a graph corresponding to the skeleton of an antiprism. Antiprism graphs are therefore polyhedral and planar. The n-antiprism graph has 2n vertices and ...
A set which transforms via converse functions. Antisets usually arise in the context of Chu spaces.
A number of the form p^a·A is said to be an antisquare if it fails to be a square number for the two reasons that a is odd and A is a nonsquare (modulo p). The first few ...
A quantity which changes sign when indices are reversed. For example, A_(ij)=a_i-a_j is antisymmetric since A_(ij)=-A_(ji).
An antisymmetric matrix, also known as a skew-symmetric or antimetric matrix, is a square matrix that satisfies the identity A=-A^(T) (1) where A^(T) is the matrix transpose. ...
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