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Written in the notation of partial derivatives, the d'Alembertian square ^2 in a flat spacetime is defined by square ^2=del ^2-1/(c^2)(partial^2)/(partialt^2), where c is the ...
The ordinary differential equation y=xf(y^')+g(y^'), where y^'=dy/dx and f and g are given functions. This equation is sometimes also known as Lagrange's equation (Zwillinger ...
The method of d'Alembert provides a solution to the one-dimensional wave equation (partial^2y)/(partialx^2)=1/(c^2)(partial^2y)/(partialt^2) (1) that models vibrations of a ...
If three circles A, B, and C are taken in pairs, the external similarity points of the three pairs lie on a straight line. Similarly, the external similarity point of one ...
F_mF_(n+1)-F_nF_(m+1)=(-1)^nF_(m-n), where F_n is a Fibonacci number.
Two distinct theorems are referred to as "the de Bruijn-Erdős theorem." One of them (de Bruijn and Erdős 1951) concerns the chromatic number of infinite graphs; the other (de ...
Let Xi be the xi-function defined by Xi(iz)=1/2(z^2-1/4)pi^(-z/2-1/4)Gamma(1/2z+1/4)zeta(z+1/2). (1) Xi(z/2)/8 can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the signal ...
The de Bruijn constant, also called the Copson-de Bruijn constant, is the minimal constant c=1.1064957714... (OEIS A113276) such that the inequality ...
A graph whose nodes are sequences of symbols from some alphabet and whose edges indicate the sequences which might overlap. The above figures show the first few n-dimensional ...
The shortest circular sequence of length sigma^n such that every string of length n on the alphabet a of size sigma occurs as a contiguous subrange of the sequence described ...
