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If each of two curves meets the line at infinity in distinct, nonsingular points, and if all their intersections are finite, then if to each common point there is attached a ...
A number n is called wasteful if the number of digits in the prime factorization of n (including powers) uses more digits than the number of digits in n. The first few ...
For a given point lattice, some number of points will be within distance d of the origin. A Waterman polyhedron is the convex hull of these points. A progression of Waterman ...
The Watkins snark is the snark on 50 vertices ad 75 nodes illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["WatkinsSnark"].
Let H_nu^((iota))(x) be a Hankel function of the first or second kind, let x,nu>0, and define w=sqrt((x/nu)^2-1). Then ...
If at least one of d, e, or f has the form q^(-N) for some nonnegative integer N (in which case both sums terminate after N+1 terms), then ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Also let R[z]>0 ...
Let alpha, -beta, and -gamma^(-1) be the roots of the cubic equation t^3+2t^2-t-1=0, (1) then the Rogers L-function satisfies L(alpha)-L(alpha^2) = 1/7 (2) ...
where _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a generalized hypergeometric function and Gamma(z) is the gamma function (Bailey 1935, p. 16; Koepf 1998, p. 32).
Watson (1939) considered the following three triple integrals, I_1 = 1/(pi^3)int_0^piint_0^piint_0^pi(dudvdw)/(1-cosucosvcosw) (1) = (4[K(1/2sqrt(2))]^2)/(pi^2) (2) = ...
