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The twin primes constant Pi_2 (sometimes also denoted C_2) is defined by Pi_2 = product_(p>2; p prime)[1-1/((p-1)^2)] (1) = product_(p>2; p prime)(p(p-2))/((p-1)^2) (2) = ...
A twin Pythagorean triple is a Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) for which two values are consecutive integers. By definition, twin triplets are therefore primitive triples. Of the ...
The twinplex graph is the graph illustrated above in a number of embeddings which corresponds to the graph labeled Gamma_2 in Fischer and Little (2011). It is a cubic ...
A rotation combined with an expansion or geometric contraction.
A generalization of spun knots due to Zeeman. This method produces four-dimensional knot types that cannot be produced by ordinary spinning.
The twist of a ribbon measures how much it twists around its axis and is defined as the integral of the incremental twist around the ribbon. A formula for the twist is given ...
Given a doubled knot with the unknot taken as the base knot K_1, the companion knot K_2 of K_1 is called a twist knot with q twists. As illustrated above, the following knots ...
A class of area-preserving maps of the form theta_(i+1) = theta_i+2pialpha(r_i) (1) r_(i+1) = r_i, (2) which maps circles into circles but with a twist resulting from the ...
The Reidemeister move of type I.
A finite simple group of Lie-type. The following table summarizes the types of twisted Chevalley groups and their respective orders. In the table, q denotes a prime power and ...
