
Search Results for "multiplicationmagicsquare.html"

12221 - 12230 of 13131 for multiplicationmagicsquare.htmlSearch Results
The Tucker circles are a generalization of the cosine circle and first Lemoine circle which can be viewed as a family of circles obtained by parallel displacing sides of the ...
The Tucker cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation secAsecBsecCsum_(cyclic)aalpha(b^2beta^2+c^2gamma^2) =alphabetagammasum_(cyclic)asecA(b^2sec^2B+c^2sec^2C). It ...
A Tucker hexagon is a hexagon inscribed in a reference triangle that has sides which are alternately parallel and antiparallel to the corresponding sides of the triangle. ...
The function psi(x)={x(1-(x^2)/(c^2))^2 for |x|<c; 0 for |x|>c (1) sometimes used in robust estimation. It has a minimum at x=-c/sqrt(5) and a maximum at x=c/sqrt(5), where ...
Let a knot K be n-embeddable. Then its tunnel number is a knot invariant which is related to n.
J. Tupper concocted the amazing formula 1/2<|_mod(|_y/(17)_|2^(-17|_x_|-mod(|_y_|,17)),2)_|, where |_x_| is the floor function and mod(b,m) is the mod function, which, when ...
A Turán graph, sometimes called a maximally saturated graph (Zykov 1952, Chao and Novacky 1982), with positive integer parameters n and k is a type of extremal graph on n ...
For a set of positive gamma_k, k=0, 1, 2..., Turán's inequalities are given by gamma_k^2-gamma_(k-1)gamma_(k+1)>=0 for k=1, 2, ....
Let G(V,E) be a graph with graph vertices V and graph edges E on n graph vertices without a (k+1)-clique. Then t(n,k)<=((k-1)n^2)/(2k), where t(n,k) is the edge count. (Note ...
A vector field on a circle in which the directions of the vectors are all at the same angle to the circle.

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