Search Results for "multiplicationmagicsquare.html"
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The tritangent of a cubic surface is a plane which intersects the surface in three mutually intersecting lines. Each intersection of two lines is then a tangent point of the ...
The tritetrahedral graph is the skeleton of the tritetrahedron, a concave polyhedron formed by joining three regular tetrahedra at their faces. The Nechushtan graph, a ...
The tritetrahedron, also called the "boat polyhedron," is the name given in this work to the concave (non-regular) octahedron formed by joining three regular tetrahedra ...
A number of the form Tt_n=((n+2; 2); 2)=1/8n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3) (Comtet 1974, Stanley 1999), where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. The first few values are 3, 15, 45, 105, 210, ...
A trivalent tree, also called a 3-valent tree or a 3-Cayley tree, is a tree for which each node has vertex degree <=3. The numbers of trivalent trees on n=1, 2, ... nodes are ...
A multivariate normal distribution in three variables. It has probability density function (1) where (2) The standardized trivariate normal distribution takes unit variances ...
Related to or being the mathematically most simple case. More generally, the word "trivial" is used to describe any result which requires little or no effort to derive or ...
A bundle or fiber bundle is trivial if it is isomorphic to the cross product of the base space and a fiber.
The trivial group, denoted E or <e>, sometimes also called the identity group, is the unique (up to isomorphism) group containing exactly one element e, the identity element. ...
The trivial loop is the loop that takes every point to its basepoint. Formally, if X is a topological space and x in X, the trivial loop based at x is the map L:[0,1]->X ...