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Prellberg (2001) noted that the limit c=lim_(n->infty)(T_n)/(B_nexp{1/2[W(n)]^2})=2.2394331040... (OEIS A143307) exists, where T_n is a Takeuchi number, B_n is a Bell number, ...
Let T(x,y,z) be the number of times "otherwise" is called in the TAK function, then the Takeuchi numbers are defined by T_n(n,0,n+1). A recursive formula for T_n is given by ...
A curve investigated by Talbot which is the ellipse negative pedal curve with respect to the ellipse's center for ellipses with eccentricity e^2>1/2 (Lockwood 1967, p. 157). ...
An (n,k)-talisman hexagon is an arrangement of nested hexagons containing the integers 1, 2, ..., H_n=3n(n-1)+1, where H_n is the nth hex number, such that the difference ...
An n×n array of the integers from 1 to n^2 such that the difference between any one integer and its neighbor (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, without wrapping ...
Let A denote an R-algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and A×A->A (1) (x,y)|->x·y, (2) where x·y is vector multiplication which is assumed to be bilinear. Now define ...
A knot equivalent to a polygonal knot. Knots which are not tame are called wild knots.
By analogy with the sinc function, define the tanc function by tanc(z)={(tanz)/z for z!=0; 1 for z=0. (1) Since tanz/z is not a cardinal function, the "analogy" with the sinc ...
The external (internal) similarity point of two fixed circles is the point at which all the circles homogeneously (nonhomogeneously) tangent to the fixed circles have the ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) given by the coordinate transformation x = (mucospsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (1) y = (musinpsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (2) z = nu/(mu^2+nu^2) (3) and defined for ...
