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A double point at which two (or more) osculating curves are tangent. The above plot shows the tacnode of the curve 2x^4-3x^2y+y^2-2y^3+y^4=0. The capricornoid and links curve ...
A tangent point of two similar curves.
The (m,n)-tadpole graph, also called a dragon graph (Truszczyński 1984) or kite graph (Kim and Park 2006), is the graph obtained by joining a cycle graph C_m to a path graph ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
The tail of a vector AB^-> is the initial point A, i.e., the point at which the vector originates. The tails of a statistical distribution with probability density function ...
Define T as the set of all points t with probabilities P(x) such that a>t=>P(a<=x<=a+da)<P_0 or a<t=>P(a<=x<=a+da)<P_0, where P_0 is a point probability (often, the ...
A 3-coloring of graph edges so that no two edges of the same color meet at a graph vertex (Ball and Coxeter 1987, pp. 265-266).
A set of circuits going along the graph edges of a graph, each with an even number of graph edges, such that just one of the circuits passes through each graph vertex (Ball ...
Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture asserted that every cubic polyhedral graph is Hamiltonian. It was proposed by Tait in 1880 and refuted by Tutte (1946) with a ...
P. G. Tait undertook a study of knots in response to Kelvin's conjecture that the atoms were composed of knotted vortex tubes of ether (Thomson 1869). He categorized knots in ...
