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The p-adic norm satisfies |x+y|_p<=max(|x|_p,|y|_p) for all x and y.
A variety V of algebras is a strong variety provided that for each subvariety W of V, and each algebra A in V, if A is generated by its W- subalgebras, then A in W. In strong ...
A strongly binary tree is a rooted tree for which the root is adjacent to either zero or two vertices, and all non-root vertices are adjacent to either one or three vertices ...
A strongly connected component of a simple directed graph (i.e., a digraph without loops) is a maximal subdigraph such that for every pair of distinct vertices u, v in the ...
A strongly connected digraph is a directed graph in which it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in the direction(s) in which they ...
The strongly embedded theorem identifies all simple groups with a strongly 2-embedded subgroup. In particular, it asserts that no simple group has a strongly 2-embedded ...
An infinite sequence {a_i} of positive integers is called strongly independent if any relation sumepsilon_ia_i, with epsilon_i=0, +/-1, or +/-2 and epsilon_i=0 except ...
A graph is strongly perfect if every induced subgraph H has an independent vertex set meeting all maximal cliques of H (Berge and Duchet 1984, Ravindra 1999). Every strongly ...
A k-regular simple graph G on nu nodes is strongly k-regular if there exist positive integers k, lambda, and mu such that every vertex has k neighbors (i.e., the graph is a ...
Let C be a curve, let O be a fixed point (the pole), and let O^' be a second fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line through O meeting C at Q such that P^'Q=QP=QO^'. ...
