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An interspersion array given by 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 ...; 4 6 10 16 26 42 68 110 178 ...; 7 11 18 29 47 76 123 199 322 ...; 9 15 24 39 63 102 165 267 432 ...; 12 19 31 50 81 ...
The Stolarsky mean of two numbers a and c is defined by S_p(a,c)=[(a^p-c^p)/(p(a-c))]^(1/(p-1)) (Havil 2003, p. 121).
If 0<=g(x)<=1 and g is nonincreasing on the interval [0, 1], then for all possible values of a and b, int_0^1g(x^(1/(a+b)))dx>=int_0^1g(x^(1/a))dxint_0^1g(x^(1/b))dx.
The stomachion is a 14-piece dissection puzzle similar to tangrams. It is described in fragmentary manuscripts attributed to Archimedes as noted by Magnus Ausonius (310-395 ...
If X is any compact space, let A be a subalgebra of the algebra C(X) over the reals R with binary operations + and ×. Then, if A contains the constant functions and separates ...
A theorem which specifies the structure of the generic unitary representation of the Weyl relations and thus establishes the equivalence of Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and ...
Let P(L) be the set of all prime ideals of L, and define r(a)={P|a not in P}. Then the Stone space of L is the topological space defined on P(L) by postulating that the sets ...
A Stoneham number is a number alpha_(b,c) of the form alpha_(b,c)=sum_(k=1)^infty1/(b^(c^k)c^k), where b,c>1 are relatively prime positive integers. Stoneham (1973) proved ...
A knot used to prevent the end of a string from slipping through a hole.
A Størmer number is a positive integer n for which the greatest prime factor p of n^2+1 is at least 2n. Every Gregory number t_x can be expressed uniquely as a sum of t_ns ...
