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A tensor t is said to satisfy the double contraction relation when t_(ij)^m^_t_(ij)^n=delta_(mn). (1) This equation is satisfied by t^^^0 = (2z^^z^^-x^^x^^-y^^y^^)/(sqrt(6)) ...
A filtration of ideals of a commutative unit ring R is a sequence of ideals ... subset= I_2 subset= I_1 subset= I_0=R, such that I_iI_j subset= I_(i+j) for all indices i,j. ...
A closed curve associated with a knot which is displaced along the normal by a small amount. For a knot K parameterized as x^mu(s) for 0<=s<=L along the length of the knot by ...
For a unit speed curve on a surface, the length of the surface-tangential component of acceleration is the geodesic curvature kappa_g. Curves with kappa_g=0 are called ...
Let X be a continuum (i.e., a compact connected metric space). Then X is hereditarily unicoherent provided that every subcontinuum of X is unicoherent. Any hereditarily ...
The mean square displacement (MSD) of a set of N displacements x_n is given by <|x|^2>=sum_(k=1)^N|x_k|^2. It arises particularly in Brownian motion and random walk problems. ...
A plane coordinate system whose axes are not perpendicular. The x-coordinate of a point P is the abscissa of its projection onto the x-axis in the direction of the y-axis, ...
An n-dimensional open disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol D(x,r) ...
Given a regular pentagon of unit area, mean triangle area of a triangle picked at random inside it is given by the n=5 case of polygon triangle picking, A^_ = ...
If J is a simple closed curve in R^2, the closure of one of the components of R^2-J is homeomorphic with the unit 2-ball. This theorem may be proved using the Riemann mapping ...